Nusenda Employees Collect Toys and Blankets for UNM Children’s Hospital Kids!
Nusenda Credit Union employees from Taos to Las Cruces came together this month to donate over 1,300 toys to UNM Children’s Hospital (UNMCH)! Employees donated $4915 through payroll deductions, purchased toys and collected donations of new toys to help put a smile on over a thousand tiny patients this holiday season.
They also provided 388 toothbrushes and over 500 blankets. These items are critical for helping families facing unexpected overnight visits at the hospital, providing comfort and a sense of normalcy. The hospital was running extremely low on blanket donations, and staff were overjoyed to receive this gift!
UNM Children’s Hospital sees patients from all 33 counties in New Mexico, plus parts of Texas, Colorado and Arizona. With 1 patient seen on average every 2 minutes, UNMCH will have over 23,000 visits this December. Nusenda’s toy donation will benefit kids from every unit, from Oncology and Infusion Services to Carrie Tingley Outpatient hospital and the Eubank Pediatric Clinic.
Thank you, Nusenda Credit Union, for making miracles for UNM Children’s Hospital this holiday season!